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metabolic wellness Tag

Inside Accord: What to Expect from Immersive Metabolic Psychiatry Treatment

Are you a client who struggles to maintain meaningful structure, relationships, or hope within the traditional mental health-care system? A family member who feels stuck or unsure of how to help a loved one move forward? Or perhaps you’re a provider who has a client who needs an intensive program in an immersive environment that will improve their metabolic and mental health and create sustainable, healthy habits—and you recognize that...

A Day in the Life of Meghan Cray, our RDN at Accord

Metabolic health is a growing focus within the mental health community, especially areas like nutritional psychiatry, and metabolic intervention. For clinicians like Meghan Cray, our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) at Accord, the journey into this field wasn't one she initially envisioned. Just like any other clinician, dietitians have a variety of different areas they can choose to focus their career on. Sports nutrition, pediatric, public health, geriatric, the list goes on....